
Offshore Fishing Fun for All Ages: The Ultimate Family Bonding Experience

Imagine the sun rising over an endless expanse of blue water, the sound of waves gently lapping against the boat, and the excitement of the first catch of the day. Offshore fishing isn’t just a pastime for seasoned anglers. It’s a thrilling experience that brings families together, creating memories that last a lifetime. In this …

Reel in the Big Wins Playing These Iconic Fishing-Themed Online Slots

When you go and play online slots at one of the many websites that are currently out there, the catalogues, especially in some of the leading online casinos, are absolutely huge. There are slots that cover almost every single theme that you can imagine. From Cops & Robbers themed slots to Irish theme slots to …

What Does It Mean for Insurance Policies to Be ‘Tax Efficient’?

The UK market offers a large choice of insurance policies and, while there may be many similarities between them, some also yield unique benefits which may be of interest to you as a business owner. A particular category to bear in mind are the so-called tax efficient insurance policies. For an insurance policy to be …

Fundamentals You Need to Know Before Your First Season of Fly Fishing

Fly fishing is a sport that has been gaining popularity in recent years, attracting people from all walks of life to the serene and tranquil waters. It’s not just about catching fish, but also about being one with nature and disconnecting from the chaos of daily life. However, before you pack your bags and head …

4 Positive Aspects of the Vaping Experience

Vaping has transformed the landscape of nicotine consumption, offering a new avenue for those seeking alternatives to traditional tobacco products. While controversy surrounds its health implications, many users report positive aspects that make vaping an appealing option. In the following sections, we’ll explore four key benefits often associated with the vaping experience.  Variety of Flavors …

Creative and Unconventional Fishing Ideas to Try

Fishing, an ancient art woven into the fabric of human history, has evolved from a simple means of sustenance to a dynamic and exhilarating pursuit. The echo of a casting line, the anticipation of a bite, and the thrill of the catch – these timeless elements remain at the heart of the angler’s experience. While …

Safety Tips to Consider Before Going on a Fishing Trip

Picture safety as your seasoned fishing buddy, always ready to join you on your angling adventures. This trusted companion ensures your fishing trips are not just about the catch but also about returning home safely to share your fishing tales. So, let’s dive into some essential safety tips to make sure every cast and reel …

6 Essential Items to Pack for a Successful Fishing Trip

Are you headed out for a fishing trip? Before you get started, it is crucial you know about the essentials for a successful fishing trip. Get Ready for Your Fishing Trip: Choose the Right Boat! Your vessel is as essential as the water you’re fishing in. It’s your floating base, so making the right choice …

Top 10 pike fishing spots in Cheshire

Cheshire, located in the heart of England, is renowned for its picturesque landscapes and charming waterways, making it an ideal destination for pike fishing enthusiasts. With its rich history and diverse fishing spots, Cheshire offers an array of opportunities to catch the elusive pike. In this article, we’ll delve into the top 10 pike fishing …

Stay Dry And Look Great – How High-Quality Clothing Can Beat Inclement Weather

Inclement weather can be a real challenge when maintaining a great look. We’ve all been there – you wear your favorite outfit and step outside, only to be hit by rain, snow, or wind. Suddenly, your stylish ensemble is ruined, leaving you feeling damp, cold, and embarrassed. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. …

5 Fishing – Related Games

Whereas nothing beats the experience of fishing in real life, there are times when you are too tired to go out, the weather’s not great, or you don’t feel like it. For times like these, we have video games to spend time on. And what better way to do it than playing fishing games? Fishing …

Don’t Forget To Pack These Things For Your Next Fishing Trip

Fishing is a great way to relax and enjoy the outdoors, but it’s important to be prepared before heading out on your next fishing trip. Some of you reading this may be completely new to fishing. There’s a lot that goes with fishing other than the rod and the bait, and you need to be …

Pike Fishing In Kent: Where To Find The Best Spots

Kent is a county in the southeast of England that offers some great pike fishing venues. If you’re looking to catch this elusive fish, read our top tips on where to go pike fishing in Kent.  The river Medway and its tributaries offer some excellent opportunities for pike anglers, as does the Swale River. There …

Top Fishing Lakes in Wales for Carp Fishing

Wales is the perfect example of great things coming in small packages. The 20,782 square kilometers country is full of natural beauty. With all that natural beauty come adventures and experiences of a lifetime. One of the most popular attractions of Wales is Carp Fishing!  There are several fishing spots in Wales in general, but …

Why do Carp grow bigger in France than in the UK?

France has some truly huge Carp with the current record standing over 100lbs, it is not hard to see why thousands of British fisherman flock to France each year for Carp fishing trips. So why do Carp seem to grow much faster and larger in France? There are many different theories on this, but the …

Fishing Gear for Catching Predator Fish

Are you looking to catch those big predator fish? If so, you’ll need the right gear. Fishing for predators can be fun, but it can also be challenging. This article will discuss some of the best fishing gear for catching predators. It will also provide some tips for using that gear to your advantage. So …

3 Essential Tips For Pike Fishing With Dead Bait

Dead bait is one of the most effective baits for pike fishing, especially during the cold season. This makes a lot of sense if you look at it from the point of view of the pike: during the winter they are not as active as in the summer, which is why a dead fish is …


1. THE OLD LAKE, BURY HILL FISHERIES This fishery is a tree lined, Victorian estate lake that is 200 years old and covers 12 acres. There are 75 wooden platformed swims available which are well spaced apart plus there are purpose-built punts for the angler who wishes to fish afloat. This lake is a mixed …

Fishing rods for kids

With modern-day technology such as iPads and Xboxes taking over people’s lives, it is all too easy for today’s younger generation to shut themselves away in their bedrooms and not experience the great outdoors. There are numerous outdoor activities that children would enjoy and benefit from and one of those is fishing. Through fishing, children …

Top fish finders for carp fishing

Looking for a edge when carp fishing? depth/fish finders can make all of the difference to a session and prevent your from getting that dreaded blank. There are several fish finders available in the market, also referred to as sonars which come in variable price ranges. Obviously, the higher-priced fish finders come with advanced characteristics …

Best reviewed carp fishing lanterns of 2020

Tired of trying to use your phone as a light when checking your rigs of a night? Well we have reviewed 5 lanterns to help you find the perfect fit. Lighting lanterns come with a lot of varying features and options that add great value to your fishing experience. Try to find a water-resistant and …

Best Bivvy Lights Reviewed 2020

Gone are the days when fishermen had to crowd under leaky umbrellas at night. Today, there are plenty of available options to make sure that your stay on the bank is as convenient as possible. Choosing the best bivvy light out there is important, especially if you have to wake up during the early hours …

How The Weather Affects Carp Fishing

Whether you are fishing for Common, Mirror, Grass or Koi carp, the environment and weather conditions can have a considerable impact on whether you will be pulling them up right and left, or simply watching your float on the surface of the water. Avid carp fishermen have amassed many tricks of the trade to get …


There are many interesting pike fishing spots in Yorkshire. So, if you are looking for a place to go pike fishing, but you are a bit clueless as of where to start. Then this article is for you, we have compiled a list of  10 great pike fishing spots across Yorkshire. To see a list …

A Beginner’s Guide to Freshwater Fishing

Freshwater fishing, also called coarse fishing, is fishing in waters that do not have salt. If you are a beginner, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed with the rules and regulations and what fishing gear you will need, including boat cleaning supplies. This guide will help inform you of your responsibilities and how you …

How to get an Edge when Carp Fishing in France

The carp in France are just the same as the carp over here. Sure, the carp in France say bonjour, rather than hello, but they will still fall for the same tactics that you use over here. Of course, just like over here, each lake varies, and the carp in one lake in France may …

Fly fishing for carp

Basic Guide To Fly Fishing For Carp It appears that fly fishing for carp has been gaining in popularity in the past couple of years and this is an interesting trend given the fact that carp was once labeled as a “trash” fish in the US. Originally these fishes were bred as a cheap source …

Tips for First-Time Fishing with Little Ones

by Sadie Marcheldon Fishing with small children is one of life’s great joys. It’s a great way to slow down and spend some quality time with them, and the experience is replete with opportunities to learn important life lessons. Starting early is your best bet for passing the fishing tradition on to the next generation, …

Would you like to submit a guest post on our blog?

Do you run a fishing related website or are you a SEO expert looking for guests posts? We are happy to allow guest posts on our blog providing that your article meets our minimum requirements. Benefits Our website currently gets between 40,000-100,000 unique users per month so your article is sure to be seen by …


1. Home Farm Fishery – Alsager There are two lakes on the complex, one of them being a specimen lake which has some very impressive fish in.  In 2003 catfish were introduced into the lake; which are now reaching over 66lb. The lake record for Carp is a respectable 29lb which was caught back in …


Looking for some pike fishing action this winter? having a hard time trying to find river/lake locations? We have compiled a list of 10 great locations for pike fishing in Essex, we have also looked at which locations allow live baiting, dead baiting and lure fishing. Most of the fisheries I have listed below are …